How to buy and sell motorcycle in Vietnam and Cambodia
And also about how best to choose a bike for the journey as where and for how much to buy a motorcycle. How much does a repair of motorcycles Honda Win in Vietnam and Cambodia. What is the fuel consumption of a motorcycle “Honda Wing.” Do I need a driver’s license to operate a motorcycle in South-East Asia. How to cross the border on a motorcycle.
And various tips that will be useful for beginners motorcycle travelers in Southeast Asia.
See first part of “To Thailand by Land” movie
See second part of “To Thailand by Land” movie
To knows where I am at the moment check section “ Current Location “.
Groups in Facebook (to purchase/sale used and useful tips):
https://www.facebook.com/groups/191008984408290/?ref=ts&fref=ts https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bike-4-Cambodia/237356288126 https://www.facebook.com/groups/173185082819788/?fref=ts
To sell your bike in Cambodia:
http://www.phnompenh.com/index.php?gcm=5411&gctix=5019 http://yp.com.kh/categories/kh11987-motorcycles-sales/listings http://www.7makara.com/listings/cars-vehicles/motorcycles-for-sale/
http://www.expat-blog.com/en/classified/asia/vietnam/hanoi/ http://hanoimotorcyclerental.com/minsk-motorbike-for-sale-c2-427--154.html
To buy ready to ride motorcycles in Vietnam:
http://saigon-minsk.com/bikes.html https://www.facebook.com/Hanoi.Motorbikes https://www.facebook.com/Hcmc.motorbikes
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